Birds of Paradise

I remembered my first time vividly. I think all girls do, probably boys as well. In a way it was a moment of weakness for me, or it might have been some deep need asserting itself.

It was late summer and I'd gone to the party of school friend when it happened. I'd quietly turned eighteen a couple of months earlier making no fuss, but for Charlotte, Charlie, it was a far more exciting affair. A big party at her parents house while they were away.

Charlie's parents trusted her and had given permission for their home to be invaded by a gang of about thirty teenagers. We were respectful people and there was little danger of the house being trashed by one of those Facebook style invasions you sometimes hear about.

But what it lacked in outrageous behaviour it made up for in hormones. The girls exposing as much flesh as they dare and boys, young men, slavishly in awe of them. Each intent on attracting the other, each hoping to slip off to a private room with their prize.

In Australia there is a group of birds called the Birds-of-Paradise. They have one of the most elaborate courtship rituals of any. Just like my school friends they dance to display their vigour and health. Feathers and song replacing designer clothes and Tensnake on the Bose sound system, but much was the same.

Charlie was with her boyfriend tucked away in a corner even before I arrived. She was sat across Robs lap, arms around his neck while his hand disappeared beneath what little there was of her dress.

I expected them to disappear upstairs well before things quietened down later. Just the thought that she was getting some while I remained a virgin sent a quiver of envy through me.

It was my own fault I was single. I was usually the nerdy one, always studying. I didn't do clubbing or hanging out too well so the boys mostly passed me by. I was also happy in baggy denims and tops that hid my figure.

Tonight however I had made an effort. I looked good in the short black dress. Not the slimmest girl, but not fat. I was more what you would call curvy. Wide hips, shapely legs and what I knew was a great pair of tits. I knew boys eyed me when they thought I wasn't looking even if they didn't ask me out. I couldn't hide my pretty face and occasionally their eyes did raise above legs and tits to notice. I didn't ever encourage them though so they moved on to easier, more receptive targets.

I wasn't shy, and I certainly had a healthy appetite for sex. My browsing history and the little plaything hidden in my bedside drawer could testify to that. It was just that I'd never found the time for all the games involved in dating. Courtship rituals to me were something for peacocks and mockingbirds. To me it seemed it would be simpler if we were all just honest, said what we wanted and did it.

Even here I stood with a drink just watching the others engage in the elaborate mating dance of the Common Teenager. Girls who'd spent hours preening themselves, boys keen to appear masculine and viral. Dancing, drinking, testing touches and lots of forces laughter at poor jokes. Such a lot of work just to get off.

It occurred to me that perhaps this really wasn't the place for me. I wasn't a party girl, but I did finally want something party girls could get with far more ease than a bookworm like me. It certainly wasn't a conscious decision but looking back I had gone there with just one aim. I'd wanted fucking. Or at least set myself on the road to it.

I hadn't even had anyone particular in mind. Just that he was pleasant and would do the deed without my having to spend days and weeks emulating the Birds-of-Paradise.

I remember seeing the one not long after the sun went down. I saw him looking at me. His name was Josh and he looked hot. Hotter than in school. Not for the first time I glanced over his body and surmised what he would be like to kiss. I gave him a smile and hoped he'd come over. He did.

My skin tingled with electricity as he stood beside me and my heart raced as though I'd jogged ten miles.

"Tina. Hi."


Enjoying the party?"

"Lots of drink, pretty girls, what's not to like."

He took a swig from the beer bottle in his hand and stood just studying me.

It started to unnerve me and I broke into a nervous laugh.


"Damn girl. You look hot."

I giggled like a school girl and blushed.

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah. Look at you. Best legs in the room."

"What about Karen over there?" I gestured towards the tall blonde in heels pouring herself a drink. She had the look of a catwalk model and slender legs that went on forever. They were the envy of the school and I didn't doubt for one minute they'd been wrapped around more than one of my classmates.

Josh didn't even look.

"Nah. They're just twigs on a stick. Much prefer someone with shape."

He shrugged.

"All them bones sticking in you when you're laying on top.

Must be uncomfortable."

I laughed.

"And do you want to lay on me?

I'm softer."

"That an offer?"


Josh leant in and kissed me on the lips. A gentle brush before lingering as I responded. My body tingled and cried out to be caressed. This was how it should be. No coy mating dance. No having to think of something to say and worrying it might be wrong. Just hook up and be damned.

"We should go outside."

Like a besotted puppy I followed him confident something magical was about to happen.

The night air was refreshingly cool as we headed down the garden into the darkness. I glanced back a couple of times to be certain no one was following.

"Where are we going?"

"Over here. It's out of sight." He grabbed my hand and pulled me after him.

"Slow up."

My heels were sinking into the lawn making it hard to walk.

In moments he had me where he intended, under a garden tree that did little to shield us from the neighbours, but well away from the house. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves over my head giving a natural jingle to the music that echoed down the garden.

"It's private here." He said standing close and placing his hands on my hips. His eyes dropped to my tits hidden away under my dress.

"No one can see us." I replied.

The smell of cologne filled my nostrils masking the alcohol on his breath and my stomach churned with an excitement I'd hadn't felt since my first time riding a rollercoaster.

"You can kiss me again if you want."

My head reeled as adrenaline and hormones flooded my bloodstream and swamped out all resistance.

Josh pushed me against the tree and planted his mouth onto mine. I responded, trembling as I felt his hands riding over my body, grabbing at my tits. It didn't seem as romantic as I'd expected but perhaps this was normal. To be honest I was happy with it. No pretence. Romance was the thing I wanted to rebel against I reminded myself.

His tongue was in my mouth and I let it entwine with mine, hoping I wasn't doing it wrong. His hands were all over me, pulling my dress up, squeezing my butt. I squirmed with excitement, letting his leg slip between mine. I eased the burn in my sex by rubbing it against his thigh as I did my pillow when I was alone.

"Mmmm." I groaned as a quiver went up my spine.

Josh broke away. Sharp breaths betrayed his hunger.

"Show me your tits."

I blinked in shock, feeling the heat of a blush flash over my cheeks, but there was something exciting about being asked to show my body.

"Er... Okay." Was all I could muster in response to such a brazen demand.

Suddenly I was struck by how easy this was. My every wish for how hooking up should be was happening just how I'd fantasied.

I reached behind and unclipped the clasp at the back of my neck and peeled the front of my dress down slowly. Steeling myself as my private mounds were being exposed to a boy for the first time. As the material fell to my waist they came free with only the tiniest of bounce.

Suddenly I was stood there with my toys out as Josh just stared. I giggled and covered myself with my arms, suddenly embarrassed.

"No. Don't cover them. They're fantastic."

He pulled my arms away and cupped them in the palms of his hand as if weighing them. I looked down at my milky flesh being handled and kneaded. My knees went weak. Until now only my hands had caressed my tits. This was so much better.

"Fuck me they're firm. Real beauties.

Best in class."

I sniggered. He could do with a little work on his delivery of compliments but there was also something refreshing about his lack of subtlety.

"You tested anyone else's?"

"Only Karen's. They're saggy."

I laughed again, feeling pleased I was beating one of the popular girls with my assets.

My nipples swelled under the brush of his palms as he continued to play while I stood watching, unsure what to do. Then fingers squeezed the hard points.


My whole body quivered again and I stepped in closer, kicking my shoes away as I did.

I felt adventurous now. Determined to enjoy the moment. My hand reached forward finding his groin, rubbing the prominent bulge in his pants. I know now he was just average but at the time he seemed massive. A monstrous cock that I wondered how it could possibly fit inside me.

"Let's fuck."

The fear returned with a jolt. Up to this point I still thought deep down that we would just kiss and fumble. Now I was faced with having to decide if my unconventional view of how sex should be was really what I wanted.

"I'm not sure."

"Come on. You want it as much as me."

I couldn't deny it. I looked at the ground as my pussy burned, soaking my panties with it's leaking juices. It cried out to me. Surely this was what I wanted. Why I had come here tonight. No games, no small talk. Just the deed.

I made a decision.

"Alright." I whispered with an intense shudder of trepidation.

Fuck me, I was going to do it. It was really going to happen.

I didn't fight it as with a hand around my waist and another between my shoulder blades he turned me slowly and bent me forward. I complied with a meekness I didn't recognise. My tits swung free below me, the mixture of cool air and anticipation making my nipples ache even more.

I was exhilarated, excited and fearful all at once. Shock held me in place with my hands gripping the tree trunk as I felt my dress lifted and panties sliding away down my legs. Wide eyed I stared forward as someone else's fingers clumsily rubbed over my pussy for the first time. Part of me wanted to scream and run away. Another, more primal part craved his touch. Two fingers parted me and pushed inside. My knees wobbled.

"Oh God."

"Wow. You're so wet."

With hindsight I realise he was as inexperienced as me. The desperation of youth had him pushing his cock into me almost straight away.

I glanced back at the house, seeing the lights glaring from every window and hearing the music carrying on the breeze along with the rumble of voices and laughter.

"Aw fuck."

He was in me. Deep. Hot and hard, stretching me. I remember I just kept thinking 'Oh my God. I'm having sex.'

"Christ this is good." He grunted between rasped breaths. His hands caressed my butt, pulling my cheeks apart as he buried himself in me.

For a moment I froze, almost horrified at the invasion of my most private place. But my pussy oozed and burned, screaming at my brain for action.

The feeling passed, swamped by the need and I spread my feet. More comfortable with what was happening to me and wanting to feel more of the pleasure growing in my belly I straightened my back and pushed into him.

"Aw yes."

In and out, rubbing the tender velvet of my hole until it burned. I gripped the tree trunk and rocked with his thrusts as I stared down to see my tits swinging freely beneath me.

"Uhh. Uhh. Uhh." He grunted from behind me.

For my part I was silent, almost holding my breath for fear of screaming out.

It only lasted minute or so and thankfully I escaped the pain I knew some other girls experienced. I hadn't cum but the sensation of being filled, wanted and fucked by another person was exhilarating.

When he was done I turned and dropped to my knees on the grass. I didn't have a clue what I was doing but I'd seen plenty of porn and felt this was what I should do.

Josh either read my mind or expected it. He stood there, still with his cock pointing forward like the bowsprit of a sailing ship. The first cock I'd ever seen in real life. It was fascinating and beautiful as it pointed accusingly at me, glistening from my own juices in the moonlight.

Fear swamped me as I put his tool in my mouth, terrified I'd hate it. That I would gag or throw up. I was scared I'd hurt him with my teeth.

"Do it." He whispered placing his hand on the back of my head, guiding me onto him.

I gulped back my doubts and put my lips around his smooth crown. It tasted of skin. I suppose that was obvious when you think about it but it still came as a surprise.

I put my hands up, determined to explore now I face him. I loved the feel of his balls as I rolled them in my hand.

I drew my lips back and forth over his tip, becoming braver with each stroke until I was riding down his shaft while my other hand stroked him. Turns out it's pretty easy to keep teeth clear of a dick.

The first rush of cum in my mouth was a shock. In my ignorance I hadn't read the signs and I fought the urge to pull back and spit. Then curiosity took over and I savoured it like a fine wine. Warm, gooey, and slightly salty. Slimy but in a good way. I'd heard so many stories about how awful it was, but I kinda liked it. I didn't hesitate, wanting the full experience, and swallowed his load. I gave a little cough as it stuck in my throat momentarily then it was gone.

"Fuck me."

I saw his surprise.

"For you." I smiled.

"Good girl."

I glanced around for my panties but didn't see them. They'd vanished into the shrubbery somewhere and I resigned myself to being panty-less for the rest of the evening unless I wanted to crawl around on all fours looking under bushes.

I expected him to say something deep and meaningful. Instead he zipped and declared.

"I need a drink. Let's get back to the party."

I recovered my shoes and pulled my dress back in place as I followed him meekly. I realised he wasn't going to be the love of my life, I'd never intended he would be but it was disappointing to go from such a high to grasping that I'd been an easy fuck in such a short space of time. I had to remind myself this was sort of what I had wanted. In a way he'd been my easy fuck.

I had broken a taboo though. My virginity was gone. I'd passed into womanhood and I wanted more. Already I was glancing around the party at my friends wondering who I could fuck next. Someone with experience. Someone who would make me cum.

I saw Vance almost immediately. He was in the corner with his head buried in Jamie's tits as she held her drink high above him, laughing. That night he was hers. I think they probably fucked. I don't know and don't care. But with Josh forgotten he was my next. Just a week later we did it in his car, an old Camaro. And that time I came.;u=4670


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